Tituli honorum. Autore clarissimo & eruditissimo antiquario Joanne Seldeno interioris Templi, Armigero

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Tituli honorum. Autore clarissimo & eruditissimo antiquario Joanne Seldeno interioris Templi, Armigero


Juxta editionem tertiam Londinensem anni 1672. cui accessisse dicuntur Seldeni emendationes & additamenta latine vertit notasque addidit Simon Johannes Arnold - in 8° - pp.48 nn + 690 + 76nn - Pergamena - Incisione in antiporta raffigurante l'artista - Incisioni che rappresentano: Princeps Walliae - Dvx - Marchio - Comes - Vice comes - Baro. Testatine, capilettera e finalini xilografici. Incisioni n.t. - Testo in latino - Nervi al dorso e fregio al piatto superiore - Alcune numeri di pagina errati. Pagine molto brunite - First and only Latin edition of this important early work by John Selden. It is translated by Simon John Arnold from the English edition, which appeared for the first time in London in 1614.The second enlarged English folio edition was published in the same city in 1631, the third also in London in 1672 with an eulogy by Ben Johnson. Selden's great historical work on nobility begins with a general discussion of titles and nobility. The following chapters consider the nobility of ancient Greece and Rome, Europe, the British Isles, the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches, the Middle East and Asia. The final chapters survey various aspects of ceremony and precedence. The work is dedicated by Arnold to Margrave Albert Frideric of Brandenburg and Prussia, dated Sonnenburg, 24 August 1696, and by Selden to Edward Heyward, who was Selden's friend and chamber-fellow. After the dedications follow a laudatory poem by Ben Johnson and the preface by Selden. The work remained a comprehensive and trustworthy work for centuries. John Selden (1584-1654), was an English jurist, antiquary and scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution and scholar of Jewish law. He was known as a polymath of astounding intellectual depth and breadth; even John Milton, one of the greatest luminaries of 17th-century England, hailed Selden as ''the chief of learned men reputed in this land''.

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